“百闻不如一见”常见的英文表述有:“Seeing is believing.” 或者 “One eyewitness is better than ten hearsays.”
“Seeing is believing.” 这个表达直译为“看见才相信”,强调了亲眼所见所带来的可信度和说服力,与“百闻不如一见”意思相近。
例如:You can hear a lot about that place, but seeing is believing. (关于那个地方你可能听说了很多,但百闻不如一见。)
“One eyewitness is better than ten hearsays.” 可理解为“一个目击者胜过十个传闻”,突出了亲眼目睹的价值高于听闻的传闻,很好地诠释了“百闻不如一见”的含义。
比如:I always thought that city was beautiful, but one eyewitness is better than ten hearsays. I was truly impressed when I saw it with my own eyes. (我一直认为那个城市很美,但百闻不如一见。当我亲眼看到时,我真的被震撼到了。)